Friday, November 6, 2009

Randomness in my life

Well have sick kids here..older kids turned in Kinders homework today.

I must still have what DH passed along to me..

K had her 4 year check up and got 3 shots. She was very brave and that means in January that I get to register her for Kindergarten. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

M is doing well in school. She loves Achievement days and has blossomed with her friendships with her school friends/neighbors.

B is doing better and right now we are reading Harry Potter and sorcerers stone together. He is still into Ben 10:Alien Force and put on the Calendar when the Alien Swarm movie will be this month. B is doing very well in scouts..almost done completing wolf.

My lesson for church is done and I know my kids are in the class are excited for a Ice Cream Party at the end of the year.

I've been very blessed to have met some wonderful online and real friends. I've met you all through different places and if we ever do meet in real life ...I do call you FRIEND.

My MIL is now in the Area and planning Thanksgiving with her and my BIL family too. We are hosting it this year and it will be nice for the kids to see their Granny.

My Sister Amy is having her 1st baby pretty soon. I'm so excited for her.

Its almost New moon Movie time..I hope that this movie is better than Twilight. I didn't like the actress that plays Bella. She seems to have one facial expression in all of her movies and she blinked way too much. I hope the director got the vision to follow the BOOK.

I know that Movies from Books are never as good as the Novel. But I heard that The Hunger Games is going to be a MOVIE. This I want to see

Contest for 50 Followers is coming = My Favorite Things

I've rambled enough..Gotta clean and take care of sick kids.

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