Friday, November 20, 2009

Week & Wrap up

This week ...I did all that I wanted to accomplish and learned lots about Family Safety and meet some really awesome women.

I was talking with my sister this morning and she was surprised to learn that I didn't go to the New moon movie at Midnight...I told her that I liked it, but not into as much as I was last year. I've been hearing from my online friends and my sister that the movie is really good. So I'll watch it later. Amazing the change over 1 years time..Guess it been because I've reading other books.

I have a Date with DH tonight..its been so long since we went out.

I have planned the Thanksgiving menu and my MIL , and BIL and their families are also going celebrate this day together. I'm making dinner with DH.

Book Recommend: The Hunger Games/ Catching Fire

My dd is reading the Meg Cabot series-- Allie Finkle Series .

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