Monday, November 23, 2009

Shattered -- Book Review

Back of book Blurb: Nine years Kate Grayhawk Pendleton walked into Wyatt Shaw's life and out of it the next morning. Now Wyatt's back and has the power to shatter Kate's Future with the man she loves.

By Rep, Wyatt Shaw is brutal killer who always gets what he wants, and now he wants Kate and her twin eight years old sons.

Texas Ranger Jack McKinney is hot on the Wyatt Shaw's trail. The presumed heir to D'amto crime syndicate is threatening to steal the women he loves.

This part of a Series called Bitter Creek#8. This is Mystery Romance book.

Never had read this author before.

Jack--Holly --Married

Jack was dating Kate

Kate is married to JD

JD is "Dead"

Shaw is the Biological dad to Kate's Twin boys ( Lucky, Chance)

The book is told in all these Point of Views. There was action and romance but it seemed to be evened out through out the book.

Family is important part of this book. Whether the bad or good...there is always family. Everyone has a secret to keep. But with Secrets, they tend to have a way of coming out.

My Review--3

Thanks to Planned Television arts for this book and this is my HONEST Review.


  1. I've read a few of the Bitter Creek novels before and I've liked them well enough. One time reads, but good entertainment!

  2. so agree...thats why I gave them 3..its good for 1 time read.


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