Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Are you Prepared for a Disaster?

I hosted a Event with California Volunteers at my house and we had good food. I learned lots from Dan at Cosumnes River Fire Department. He was the CERT person to discuss all the disaster one family can face.

While eating lunch, we discussed any major events or disasters we have been in through our lifetimes. Many people talked about Earthquakes , some tornado's, and floods.

I remember going to help the people in Yuba City when I was young adult and helping them in their troubled times. I remember helping the this one person and they so many magazines that they have saved over their lifetime and once the water garbage.

Some of the people had some emergencies supplies ready to go with others are taking baby steps with all of emergencies needs. We do have some food storage but need to prepare on other things, that's why this discussion was so helpful to me.

A suggestion was to have a Garbage can filled with emergencies supplies and having a spare set of clothes and shoes.
California Volunteers has been helping families since September 11,2001. They have been helping coordinate volunteer activities to make our communities safer. Since 1989, there have been 27 major disasters man made or natural. California is state that sends out help to other states in their times of need like Hurricane Katrina.

We then went on a tour on my house. I did get some ideas things that need more support , and other rooms in the house like the Kitchen, we did good.

There is alot of information at and to help become better prepared in the event of a emergency.

( This is a handy 72 hour bag & giveaway) There is also a cute book to help kids become more aware of emergencies. My kids enjoyed looking at it.

I bet you are thinking, this sounds like a lot of work. Its not , its baby you are at the store buying food , you can buy an extra juice or food that your family likes to eat.

Has your family changed over time ? Do you have all of your important information handy ? Did you know that long distance would be up before local calls ? Do you have a place to meet up in the event of a emergency ? Is there someone you can all call if you get separated ? Here is the Checklist on being Prepared.

I learned lots of information today and I meet some other bloggers in my area.

Thanks to Jairo, Karen, and Jessica for letting do this giveaway and be apart of the outreach of California Volunteers.

Are you prepared in a Disaster ? What are you doing be prepared ??(I'm giving away 3 sets of these to my winners-- 4 pack for a family. Giveaway goes til Dec 4th and US Residents.


  1. What am I doing?
    I've organized & made a checklist of food storage on hand.
    The kids are getting backpacks filled with 72-hour kit-ish stuff for Christmas.
    All of my tips that I get for work go into "the jar".
    That's most of it, I guess.
    Great giveaway!
    Popeye & I just watched a show on SpikeTV (I think it's called Surviving Disaster) and it showed what to do should there be a flu pandemic and we're restricted to our homes. It was great! You can watch the episode at

  2. Great give away. I have been working on this type of thinkg for awhile but I really need to do more and faster.

  3. you monkeys are sooo adorable. And I like the Harry Potter background music.

    Great giveaway. Enter me please.

    Have you read Life As We Knew it?
    (here's my review if you're interested
    I got so scared after readign that but totally forgot my promise to prepare for a disaster kit.

  4. This is something I can always work on! I am slowly buidling our food supply/storage but need to work on all other areas(medical, clothes, backpacks ready to go for everyone, etc...). Thanks for the reminder!

  5. I'm ashamed to say the only emergency I've prepared for is when the lights go out...and it's sad because I'm on a flood emergency team at work!

    Julie, love the music on your blog. Very addicting!

  6. well, I havent done much...and that was a new years resolution last year! We are stocked up on canned food, but I havent put it in a specific place or anything...hard when our apt is so little. Will work on that over the holiday season..lots of great sales to help!


Help me feed the Monkeys--We love comments

We are an award free zone. Thanks so much for all the previous awards, but I can't continue passing them on at this time. Thanks