Friday, December 4, 2009

Ballad -- BWB Book Review

In the sequel to Lament : The Faire Queen Deception. Music prodigy James Morgan and his best friend Deidre attend a private conservatory for Musicians. James attracts Nuala , a soul snatching faerie muse who fosters and feeds on the creative energy of exceptional humans til they die. Composing beautiful music together leads to mutual attraction and love. Jaunted by fiery visions of death, James realizes that Deidre and Nuala are both being hunted by the Queen of Fey and save their lives.(

Nuala- Fairy( half human/fairy)

James- Student of music of bagpipes, loves Dee, OCD

Dee- old friend to James, and lost her boyfriend Luke is the first book( Lament)

This book is told in James/Nuala point of Views with Texts from Dee.

James is a little OCD and writes on himself. He doesn't want what Naula offers at all . He continues to turn her down and she continues to talk and be a hang around him. They have a complex relationship of hate and then friendship. He is emotional boy..very moody. He hears music of death. He has dreams of death and he is only at the school because of Dee which is interesting that he has no real reason to be at the school execpet to watch over Dee. Dee has all the fairy power.

I found the school name interesting -- Thornking-Ash. I noticed that through out the book, they were discussing Hamlet by William Shakespeare.

The teacher Mr. Sullivan has been right were James is and he able to help mentor James in all things music and other topics as well too. I would love a Book all about Sullivan and his experiences.

Dee has many text messages that are through out the book that she doesn't send at all to James. Those do play a part in the book. Its great to see what she is thinking and trying to tell James.

My favorite scene of the book was when James/Dee were discussing Hamlet and Ophelia when they were really talking about their friendship and missed communication. There were times I wanted them to TALK .

I found that this book was Amazing and I enjoyed it thoroughly. Its amazing what people do for love whether they are Fay or not.

I liked the relationship between James and Nuala and Dee. It showed the many facets of their relationships.

There is going to be another book by the ending. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and will pass this book along to my friends.

I bought this book and this is my Honest Review.


Mine- 5

James is flawed and heart broken character , do you find mental peculiarities charming or annoying ? I liked that he was broken and flawed. He seemed real and I found his OCD charms cute. I found this character charming and liked that he wrote on his body.

What do you think of James and Dee's Kiss ? I found that James did need to kiss Dee to realize what he had with Nuala. I think if you are in any relationship whether friendship or romantic and he did have a crush on Dee for sometime, those feelings needed to be resolved for James to move on.
Whom do you prefer Dee or Nuala ? when I started the story I wanted him with Dee. But as the story progressed and I found him and Nuala hanging out a refreshing change because she was trying to have him want her as a Muse and wouldn't take a thing from her at all. I thought that her coming to visit him was very normal.
Whats your verdict on the best way to read Ballad ? I think that this could be a stand alone book , but since it was a continuation of Dee ..I would have liked to have read the first one.
Do you Believe in Fairies ? Well after this book I finally broke out my sterling silver bracelet.


  1. Great review.....I loved it too....You should read lament it will shed some new layers to Ballad.

  2. OH great review - I think if you have not read Lament - you should, but then I am a lover of all things Maggie - LOL and I am with you, I pulled out my silver bracelet too :) How funny! :)

  3. yes, nailed it on the unsent text part and Dee's constant dodging of communications. How selfish! she really irritates me. I guess I really have to read Lament to understand her better :)

    Great review!!!

  4. Nice review! I read Lament (which I enjoyed more than Ballad) but I'm a Nuala fan all the way!

  5. THat was one of my fav scenes also - the Hamlet discussion. It was like I was right there. Excellent review. -Parajunkee


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