Thursday, December 10, 2009

Harry Potter Half Blood Prince-- DVD

I'm so excited that this is coming out on DVD. I got to see this movie as a premiere night.
This movie was so awesome. I thought the acting of Malfoy, and Snape was excellent.
I'm so sad that there is only 2 more movies left of Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows.
Sh...I got the kids this movie for Christmas...We have the whole collection.
This was first series that brought me back to Young Adult reading and I was one of those people who had the Book delivered from the day it came out. I had just had my first baby and there was no way I was going to a midnight book buying night.


  1. I just bought the 5th movie on DVD for really cheap. I am hoping to get the 6th for Christmas! I have all of the books!

  2. I love these books! I am working on getting all of the books in hard back, but it's slow going. Maybe now with my B&N discount I can start buying them...

    I totally forgot that this came out this week! I just called my hubby and sent him out to go buy it. I know what we're doing for date night tomorrow night!


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