Monday, April 5, 2010

The Secrets of April , May & June-- Book Review

Three sisters, three extraordinary, life-changing powers!

I hugged my sisters and they fit against my sides like two jigsaw pieces that would never fit anywhere else. I couldn’t imagine ever letting them go again, like releasing them would be to surrender the best parts of myself.

Three sisters share a magical, unshakeable bond in this witty high-concept novel from the critically acclaimed author of Audrey, Wait! Around the time of their parents’ divorce, sisters April, May, and June recover special powers from childhood—powers that come in handy navigating the hell that is high school. Powers that help them cope with the hardest year of their lives. But could they have a greater purpose?
April, the oldest and a bit of a worrier, can see the future. Middle-child May can literally disappear. And baby June reads minds—everyone’s but her own. When April gets a vision of disaster, the girls come together to save the day and reconcile their strained family. They realize that no matter what happens, powers or no powers, they’ll always have each other.
Because there’s one thing stronger than magic: sisterhood.(

The story takes place over a couple days and it was nice to 3 points of views of April, May and June.

I could relate to April because I was the oldest , but it was nice to be able to understand how the sisters felt through out the story and the problems they faced in High school during a couple of days.

The Girls are living with their mom in Orange county and dealing with the divorce issue and suddenly they get their powers back.April has this dream about her sisters and starts being really protective and is able to see future boyfriend. May goes invisable and feels like the middle child. June is able to hear people thoughts. It was nice to see the girls as individuals as well a unit.

June was also interested in the family history since the powers came back and I'm glad that the book did touch on it.

It was nice to see all the Point of Views on the Party night because that was the turning point for many of the characters and choices they have to make.

This book made me think of my sisters and how grateful I am for them and the sisterhood we share.

Book Review = 4

This book comes out in August  2010 ,and thanks to Around the World for the Book and this is my Honest Review


  1. I must check this book out when it comes out! It sounds great!

    Visiting from POM. :)

  2. Hi Julie
    I just found your blog on the Pursuit of Mommyness and became a follower. I'm also a Mormon blogging Mom who loves to read books. (Austenland is my favorite.)I'm interested to see more of your book reviews.
    Heather @


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