Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Dear Elected Officials

Dear Elected Officials-

As a life long member of the state of California-- I have seen a change and its not for the best. What have you done and what are you going to do to fix it ??

  • The Budget is never on time and that's been going on for the last 10 years

  • Education is always on the chopping block-- when the children our the future ??Doesn't make sense

  • Get paid for not doing your job

  • The money spent on advertising should be enough to lower some debt

  • If you don't pay your bills , nothing happens to you

I understand that you are in meetings and committee meetings trying to do your job. But if I didn't do my job IE ( budget passed)  in the real world. I would not get a paycheck , nor would I have a job. I would be FIRED. I think as a MOM I could get the job done better and with results.

Here is why I can do it: I balance our household budget , settle disputes between kids many a time, educate my kids and also support my children's school,pay our bills on time. I don't get paid for being a mom and my only advertisement is this blog.

I'm so tired of all the calls and flyer's and the advertisements. I will make up my own mind on how I'm going to vote on June 8.


  1. I hear ya! Isn't that the truth!

    I've thrown out countless ads and my mind is already made up on how I'm going to vote.

  2. Excellent post...I agree whole heartedly, especially on the education front!

  3. Completely the reason I've stopped watching live TV (along with the fact that I can't hear a thing in this house when The Dudes are awake). Haven't seen or heard a commercial of any sort in like 6 months. It's liberating a bit.

  4. The other day my friend and I were talking about this issue (not CA, but in general) and our thought that was ALL of the career politicians need to be fired and then average every day people need to be put in office to figure things out. I really think they would be better at solving the problems.

  5. So true in so many states (as well as our federal government!!) I think so many mom's could run this country better than those who are elected to do so.

  6. this is the case for ALL governments no matter where. It's quite annoying and very discouraging. No wonder voter turnout is always so low.

    Visiting from SITS!

    oh, and I've grabbed your button to add to my "flair" collection :)

  7. Thanks for dropping by and commenting on my Writer's Workshop post!

  8. Yes...Amen sister. I don't live in California but I do live in the US and I think the problem is the same. Stop spending money that you don't have to do things that don't need to be done or that you don't have the constitutional right to do so. Someone (actually a whole lot of people) deserve a timeout...for a very long time!

  9. BRAVA!!! Julie, I couldn't agree more! The campaign ads turn my stomach, and have no bearing on how I vote.

  10. Herding cats i easier than getting a group of politicians to agree on anything.

  11. Solid post. I'm so disillusioned by politics right now. I've barely turned on the news since we wound up with a hung parliament in Britain.

    BTW would be interested to hear your thoughts on my post about sex preferences, given your own family mix!

    from Babes about Town

  12. You go girl! I'm a native California girl too, and have said the exact same things to my husband and family that you have stated in your post. These politicians need to take a lesson from all of the moms and dads who are more than capable of getting the job done - without pay or perks.

    SITS visiting & blog following. I see you're a writing workshop gal too - I love Mama Kat's workshop! Peace. :)


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