Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My First Fictional Crush

Can I just go on record for saying I loved Gilbert Blythe from Anne of Green Gables and other books in the series. I think I knew early on that his teasing was his way of saying that he liked her alot. He also gave up his teaching post , so that she could be near her mom.

Anne also had a great friend in Diana Berry.

I did think that Edward Cullen was all that , but then I also Liked Jasper Hale.

So Who was your first Fictional Crush ?


  1. Definitely Gilbert. Oh my heavens, I remember it all too well. :)

  2. Wow, that's a trip down memory lane for me. I did love Gilbert quite a bit, too. But Edward....well....he sparkles...LOL!

  3. My first one had to be Stu from The Stand...I know weird. But hey, I read the book when I was in 6th grade.

  4. Can you believe I've never read Anne of Green Gables?
    Crazy right?
    Something I must rectify.

    First fictional crush?
    Maybe Lawrence from Little Women?

  5. Oh I forgot about Laurie too. Thanks juju..

    I wanted him with Jo , not amy.

  6. I feel the same way about Gilbert. He steals my breath every time I watch the movies or read the books!

  7. Hey Parajunkee, The Stand is probably one of my favorite books! But I was drawn to Nick Andros! : )

  8. Gilbert Blythe is definitely my man of choice.

    Although, when in a different mood, I always go for Roarke from the In Death series :)

  9. Calvin O'Keefe from A Wrinkle in Time was probably my first fictional crush.

    Seth from Melissa Marr's Wicked Lovely series is probably my latest.

  10. I don't know if I really had one. Maybe,don't tell anyone, Greg Brady.

  11. Almonzo from Little House! Then I was in love with Gilbert!

  12. Mr. Rochester from Jane Eyre. Loved that book.

  13. I think Gilbert was one of my first crushes too. Sigh... I remember my first time reading those books, wish I could go back and have my first time again... (reading the books, lol)


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