Saturday, June 19, 2010

Shadow Bound --BWB Book Review

Some people will do anything to avoid it. Even trade their immortal souls for endless existence.
Secretly, inexorably, they are infiltrating our world, sucking the essence out of unsuspecting victims with their hideous parody of a kiss.

Adam Thorne founded the Institute to study and destroy his monster of a brother, but the key to its success is held in the pale, slender hand of a woman on the run. There is something hauntingly different about Talia O’Brien, her unknowing sensuality, her uncanny way of slipping into Shadow.

This is the place between life and what comes after - a dark forest of fantasy, filled with beauty, peril, mystery. And Talia is about to open the door(

This was my first e book to read and I enjoyed the story and characters very much.

Talia is a Banshee and Death and her mother found a way for her to be born. I guess Death has been in love with her for some time and that she wouldn't live for very long, because she has been at Death's door.

Later we meet up with Talia and she is student hiding out from the wraiths. The last time she saw her father was when she was in accident and that was the first time she screamed. Death seemed very protective of his daughter , even though he couldn't be there and raise her.

Adam has a lot money and lost his brother to the wraiths and trying to stop them from attacking humans, and he has been keeping an eye on Talia and certain words that mention Shadow Man.

Adam and Talia finally meet up and there is some attraction between them , but they are both fighting it. But on the run they finally consummate their attraction on the window in New York City. I mention it because it kept coming up with all the other fairy folks alot. I did enjoy the romance between them and it did seem real , but also it happened a little fast for me, don't like seeing couple who meet and suddenly fall in love on the run.

Talia is also stubborn and doesn't want help, but Adam can provide help to her. Along the way they do fall in love and she does ask for help.

I did enjoy this kind of characters(wraiths) there aren't too many of those in books.Overall I enjoyed the book, but at times it was difficult to read off the computer but I guess I'm old school and liking the printed book to hold in my hands.

Wraiths made me think   also Stargate Atlantis bad guys. I know..those ugly looking people who wanted atlantis for themselves , and the If you remember this movie The Wraith

Book Review =4

Be sure to enter the contest over at Blog with Bite

Thanks to the author for the book and this is my Honest Review

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