Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Friendship & Musing

What is friendship ?

Is it sending book to friend ?
Giving them a phone call ?
Emailing  them ??
Talking to them through twitter ?
Talking to them through Facebook or other sites ??
Sending them chocolate because you know they like it ?
Showing concern for their problems ?
What makes a good friend ??

I have some awesome friends real and online and I feel touched to know you and a better person because of talking with you though those many ways. Now if you have been following the blog for a while ..my high school years weren't the best but I did have girl friends ..just not real close friends. That didn't happen til I moved and went to college. I guess you could say I am a late bloomer. Lately I have been feeling very blessed in friendships with REAL and ONLINE friends. If I could have you all over here for a party ..I would and it would be so great to meet the people behind the screen name.

I had an experience when a dear friend did help me out --I was stubborn & determined , and didn't want to take advantage of the situation. I was so thankful that she was able to help me out when I really needed it , and to know that if I ever needed help she would be there for me.

Being the Book Pusher to my real friends and since I like to read --what are some great Book Friendships and Movie Friendships? Some that come to mind are :

Scout & Lily (Firespell)
Hermione & Ron & Harry (Harry Potter)
Katniss & Gale & Peeta ( Hunger Games)
Merit & Mallory ( Some Girls Bite)
Tinkerbell & Peter Pan & Wendy
Peter Parker & Harry & Mary Jane
Clark Kent & Lois Lane

Any other friendships please let me know


  1. What a good question!
    I have to meditate on this one :)

    I LOVE Up.
    That scene were he remembers his times with his wife moves me to tears every single time!

  2. Friendships are very important to have. I have been very blessed to have good friends in my life.
    I like your idea of having a party with on the on-line friends. That would be awesome.

  3. Of my more recent reads; I loved the friendship between Jay and Violet in The Body Finder.

  4. Sometimes I also thinks the same that friendship and musing are same. I also like to listen music very much and if we friends are are get gathered then we dance a lot on music also.
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