Monday, July 12, 2010

Moaning Monday

Got Books this week to read
Family Picture (maybe) ??
Reviews are coming
Summer school for K 2x

Jaime  from BSG

Thats all thats happening here ..whats going on in your world ??


  1. Ooooooooooo I'm drooling over those arms.

  2. So much to do, so little time, correctamundo? SITS sent me by, and I'm glad they did!


  3. I've been really awful at reading lately. Hope to get back into the reading today!

  4. We have swim lessons and a tutoring appointment at the library for Garrett today(boy #3). It will give me chance to check out some books for myself. We have a soccer scrimmage tonight for Carter(boy #2) and soccer pratice for Tanner (boy #1). Other than that, it will be a nice, calm day in the life of a Mom with 4 busy boys :-).
    Enjoy your day!

  5. Not much here. Your day sounds more exciting. However, I might deep clean my bedroom today.

  6. Fixed my jungle errr tomatoe plants this morning. Green and black hands with those green tomatoe worms (?) in my hair. Yuck! Picked some cherry tomatoes and will probably make some vanilla ice cream for the kids this afternoon. Nothing exciting for today. ;)

  7. Anonymous13 July, 2010

    Thanks for stopping by!! :) I've been here before! We're in the middle of term 2 holidays, we're reading lots of books, too, and I've been slowly crossing things off my "to do" list. :)

  8. Hi Julie! Thanks so much for stopping by! It's all about swim lessons around here - Graham starts football camp next week and I'm a nervous wreck for him! Other than that, we're enjoying the last 2 weeks of summer (we're year round here)

    Good luck with your list!

  9. Your blog is just super cute! And who is the HOT-T with the great arms? Ive never heard of jamie from BSG.

  10. Holy wow. That is a nice picture to look at : )


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