Thursday, September 9, 2010

Follow Friday & Fun

It was a good week here.

Kids are all doing well in school and DH went to all the Back to school for all the kids. Sounds like its going to be another good year.

Also with the school --they want to move 6th grade to middle school for the next year..have some choices to make for M.

Been helping in K's classroom and enjoying meeting her classmates

Date Night is Friday

Lego's Game tour  is in town..might do that this weekend

Reading/reviewing books

Giveaway for #456 followers is coming

Had lunch with a dear friend

Went to MOPS and got to enjoy some mom time

Been making some changes to my life with regards to online life vs. real life. Its all for the best to make these changes.

Picked up Firelight & Paranormalcy in Hard Back to share with my friends. Its that good of a book.


  1. New follower here! Found you through follow Friday... and OMG I love your header! SOOO CUTE!

    Please stop by to check out my giveaway!

  2. Ha! New to your blog today- stopping by from SITS! I am a follower now and hope you can stop by my site for some great recipes and a fun fall fashion jewelry giveaway! ends soon! Have a fab day!

  3. Hi Julie! Happy Friday. Hop Hop Hop

  4. Visiting again and saying Hi! I have a giveaway for a new YA novel that came out this month going on. Its very clean, coming of age... Feel free to visit and enter if you'd like!

  5. Hey Julie! :)

    My copy of Paranormalcy just arrived and my boyfriend - really bored - started reading and LOVES it, lol ... so, yeah, it's THAT good ;)

    Have a lovely weekend xx

  6. Didn't notice that you said you had Paranormalcy! Is it good? I want to read that one. I have Firelight

  7. Yes its good and I can send it too you. I enjoyed it alot.

  8. Hi! I'm a new follower from the blog hop! Looks like you are a busy mama! I just had my second son in July and we're getting used to having two...people think I'm crazy blogging with two kids but you've got five! Go you! :)

    I review lots of kidlit and YA at my blog if you're looking for ideas for books.

  9. New follower here!

    Just wanted to invite you to stop by my Blog For A Cure Blog party this week! I'm giving away some amazing prizes!


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We are an award free zone. Thanks so much for all the previous awards, but I can't continue passing them on at this time. Thanks