Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Movies I know the lines too

I loved this topic

Growing up at the dinner table, we ( my family and I ) know the lines to :

Sixteen Candles (High School Reunion Collection)Spies Like Us (Keepcase)
Ferris Bueller's Day Off Bueller...Bueller... Edition (Special Collector's Edition)

These are such classic movies and the lines in them are so funny.

Sixteen Candles because of the birthday and nerds and underwear.

Spies like us because of the spies humor and the doctor scene.

Ferris Bueller's Day off because of all the hints to take a day off and the principal trying to track him.

The Princess Bride has some of the lines that we always used to do around the table. RODS and true love.

So which Movies lines did you do around the table or know the lines too??
The Princess Bride (20th Anniversary Edition)


  1. For a while back in high school, my sister, friend and I could pretty much recite 16 Candles word for word - we had it on VHS (back when there were still more BETAs than VHS) and watched it non-stop. Also in HS we did Dirty Dancing and Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. To this day, I still say "Strange things are afoot at the Circle K" whenever I see one... ah, Ted...

  2. I can recite much of The American President.
    Alison Can Read

  3. I love Princess Bride and my DH and I are always quoting lines from that movie - in fact we were just talking about it the other day! I also loved The Breakfast Club and Clueless for repeating a lot of good one liners.

  4. 16 candles and Princess Bride?
    *high five*
    My list would also include "Fools Rush In", "French Kiss", and "Dirty Dancing" :)

  5. We can seriously turn down the sound and recite Better Off Dead and The Princess Bride. Best shows ever!

  6. Ah, The Princess Bride! Such a classic with so many quotable lines! :)


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