Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Get to Know Book Bloggers #6

 Next Question is : What books have you found over the internet with Good Hype ??
Before I Fall
Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver--Tina Book Reviews

Beautiful Creatures--Andye Reading Teen

 The Dark Divine by Bree Despain--Amy Suffed Bookshelf

Recently, The Ghost and the Goth by Stacey Kade. I would have never picked that one up if not for great reviews by my favorite bloggers (Tiger & Bella) It ended up being a great book and one of my favorites this year. Paranormalcy is another one that I wasn't interested in but I'm reading it next because of all the rave reviews (& because you sent it to me...lol)--Karen For whats it worth

One book I bought strictly b/c I have met the author on twitter and "friended" her before I read her book is JA Saare's Dead, Undead or Somewhere in Between. I really enjoyed it after hearing so much about it from other tweeps. OH and there is "Black Wade" (LOL) - That was talked about a lot on twitter and I won it in a contest. It definitely lives up to the hype! Jen Twimom

The Hunger Games --Michelle Redheaded bookchild

White Cat (Curse Workers, Book 1)The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. I never would have picked it up if not for blogger recommendations, which would have been a huge loss since I absolutely loved it--Jen Reading Tequila

Lots. Recently, I loved Paranormalcy, Jellicoe Road, Rise of Renegade X, Poison Study, Wings, and more--Alison Can Read

White Cat by Holly Black- such a good book!--Emily What Book is that ??

The Ghost and the GothHush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick. The buzz was going around right around the same time I started book blogging last year. I saw that cover all over the internet. I knew I had to get that book.--The Book Vixen

WOW! That’s really a hard question, because many amazing titles I’ve found via the interview and blogs. --Lisa Bound By Books

Some books I have that have been Great are Paranormalcy, Before I fall , and have found some other series books like the Terrible Series, Faever Series , and the Mermaid book that I borrow from a friend.

Stay tuned for the next question


  1. Yay! Terrible! And thank you for Paranormalcy - definitely lived up to the hype.

  2. Being Jamie Baker - but I can't remember who recommended it. I saw the book trailer and was WOW!

  3. Great post. I started keeping track of recommendations in my LibraryThing account, it is always great to know once you read and enjoy the book(s) also.


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We are an award free zone. Thanks so much for all the previous awards, but I can't continue passing them on at this time. Thanks