Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Interview with Local author Rose Cooper & Giveaway

Gossip From the Girls' Room: A Blogtastic! NovelWhat kind of books do you read for fun ??

I love anything by Iris Johansen (mystery/suspense). I find myself reading a lot of YA too. I just started the book UGLIES by Scott Westerfield.

How did you get into writing ??
In 6th grade my teacher entered one of my stories into a contest. It won first place. From that moment on, I couldn't stop writing. It was addicting. That same year we had to pick "what I want to be when I grow up." I picked author, and was determined to make that dream come true some day.

What inspired you do a book ??
I have so many ideas that pop into my head and I just have to write it down. But it doesn't stop with just the idea. It usually unfolds with a story that's begging to be written. Usually I get inspired just by something I see or hear. GOSSIP FROM THE GIRLS ROOM was inspired by the girls room at a starbucks, lol.

Do you have another job besides writing ??
I have a fulltime day job working for the State of California. On the side, I also participate in art shows, galleries, events, etc.

Chocolate or Vanilla ??
Chocolate times infinity!

Ereader or Book ??
Book. There's just something about holding it in your hands.

Barnes Noble or Indie book store ??
ooh, this is tough. I definitely support Indies, but I've had such a positive experience with B&N and I have one so close to my house.

Best experience with a fan ??
My book just released, so I haven't had too many experiences yet. I've had emails from girls in the target audience that said how much they love the book, but there is a certain one that stands out. It was from another author who said her daughter is a reluctant reader and was happily surprised when her daughter took my book and "gobbled it up." That's when I think, this is what writing books is all about.

Was it hard to get into the publishing world ??
Extremely. I didn't realize it would be so difficult. It took me six years to find an agent. After that things happened pretty quickly.

Whats on your night stand ??
incense, candles, books, a water bottle, and an artistic arrangement of peacock feathers. Yes, it's cluttered!

Favorite color ??
It changes between red and pink.

What do watch on TV ??
anything reality! My newest guilty pleasure is Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Although the drama from The Bachelor is addicting. Oh, and Jersey Shore is a total trainwreck, but I can't help but watch! There are so many I could go on for days...

Writing and kids ? How do you do it
One word-my husband. Okay, that was two words. But seriously, he watches the kids for me whenever I need to write or make a deadline. Without his support, I wouldn't be able to do all this.

What are you working on right now ??
I'm working on the second book of the Blogtastic! series, RUMORS FROM THE BOYS'S ROOM. I'm waiting on the copyedits for the text, but working on the deadline for the inside illustrations right now.

Bloggers and books ?? Do they help with book buzz ??
Absolutely. Word of mouth (or blog) is so important. I know that I've discovered some great books just from other bloggers. I don't always have time to go to the store and just "look around" so it definitely helps to see what's out right now. The support of the blogging community definitely helps to promote your own books too.

Music playlists ?? whats on yours ??
I'm not much for playlists. I DO have one, though I don't listen to it much. My music is all over the place. I have songs ranging from Rancid and The Beastie Boys to Black Eyed Peas and Katy Perry.

Does being in California or Northern California affect the story ??
I think most writers tend to write what they know. This is usually why most of my stories take place in CA. When writing descriptions about middle schools, they differ from state to state. So sometimes I'll get questions from my editor asking if kids really do this or that and I have to say, in my area they do. So I have to make sure things are realistic enough for all middle greaders to relate to in some way. I do wish I traveled more. When I write that takes place in different state (recent story) I have to do a lot of research to make sure my facts are correct about certain locations, landmarks, etc. Although the whole story isn't "true facts," I try to make enough big details true to give the feeling of actually being there.


Thank you Rose for being here, and I know my daughter enjoyed reading the story. It was great to meet you at my local Barnes and Noble.

This time The author is giving away some thing to a lucky reader , if they leave a comment about this interview.


  1. Love that you interview authors. It's great to get to know them. Gossip from the Girls Room looks like something my daughter would like to read. She is just now getting into reading, so anything that she will read is great. Thanks again, you have a great blog.

  2. I have not hear of this author before or the book but now I will totally check it all out. Living with 6 daughters and two families, this sounds full of great conversation fodder.
    Thank you for letting me know about it!

    terilhack at yahoo dot com

  3. I love real housewives and Jersey shore too!!! Great interview!


  4. Yay for Rose! I'm super-excited to read Gossip From the Girls' Room.

    yahongchi @ gmail . com

  5. Thank you so much for having me on your blog :)


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