Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Local Author interview with Brenda Pandos

What kind of books do you read for fun ?? Lately, YA fantasy, but I don't have much time for pleasure reading.

How did you get into writing ?? I wake up excited to add more to my story. My morning shower is the best place for me to run a scene (cause there's no kids distracting me usually), then I find time later to get it in my computer before I forget it.

What inspired you do a book ?? My son's ASD diagnosis left me looking for something to do to keep from falling into the pits of despair.

Do you have another job besides writing ?? Being a mommy, wife and running my own web design business.

Chocolate or Vanilla ?? Chocolate

Ereader or Book ?? Not sure yet. I just got a Kindle and in love with the fact it can read to me. When I have to purchase more books, I'm sure the cheaper price will win out.

Barnes Noble or Indie book store ?? I'm an Amazon girl.

Best experience with a fan ?? I had a fan get the cover of my book airbrushed on a shirt. That was so cool.

Was it hard to get into the publishing world ?? Yes and no. This year I'm looking to land an agent, so we'll see how that goes.

Whats on your night stand ?? MOPS Magazine, few books I've started and not finished, matchbox car, daily devotional, alarm clock, lamp, journal, pen, hair tie, ear plugs, nerf dart, dust...

Favorite color ?? blue

What do watch on TV ?? Barney, Pingu, Backyardigans, Mario Bro's... Okay, when I allow myself to watch TV, it's usually something reality based. I just watched a few episodes of Cake Boss on Netflix and really enjoyed it.

Writing and kids ? How do you do it I don't watch TV and my husband does most of the errands and cooking.

What are you working on right now ?? Third book in the Talisman Series and a new WIP.

Bloggers and books ?? Do they help with book buzz ?? Totally! I owe all my success to them.

Music playlists ?? whats on yours ?? I just listen to the Trance station on Slacker. It rocks.

Does being in California or Northern California affect the story ?? Talisman series was located in Santa Cruz/Scotts Valley and my new WIP will be in CA too, but I'm not saying yet. hehe.


 I have an interesting tale to this friendship. I was in this MOPs groups , and found out that she was in author last year. Through the course of the year I have become a good friend and we talk books, kids, and other stuff on our minds. I have recommended books as she has with me.

It was while knowing her that I decided to come up with my local author interviews. I have also suggested this idea to my Local library.  I also found so many awesome ladies to interview so far. I went to the Bay Area to where I live to find all of these authors.


  1. Hey I'm a local blogger and a big fan of Brenda's books :D just wanted to say great interview and I followed you on twitter :)

    Jaime from Two Chicks on Books

  2. Thanks for the Interview, Julie!

    Hugs, Brenda


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