Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Get to Know Book Bloggers 3.1 --Fictional Boyfriends

The Hunger GamesJohn Matthew (Lover Mine by J.R. Ward) and Eric (from the Sookie Stackhouse series).--The Book Vixen

 Edward Rochester from Jane Eyre, Edward from Twilight, Thomas from Black, Red, White and Henry from The Time Travelers Wife-- Tina Book Reviews

Mr. Darcy (Pride & Prejudice), Odd Thomas (Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz), Dimitri (Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead) and Edward (Twilight)--So rather Reading

Peeta Mellark from the Hunger Games. He has every quality I love in a guy plus he bakes!--Karen FWIW

GUH! This list could be HUGE, but I’ll try to keep it to a minimum for you lol In no order: Peeta – the Hunger Games, Joe – The Sky Is Everywhere, John – Going to Far, Keane – Jenna Blacks Faeriewalker series, Caleb from Simone Elkeles Leaving Paradise Series and Varen from Nevermore….. And for Adult titles, I can’t leave out Zsadist from the Black Dagger Brotherhood and then there’s Owen and Tristan from Kristie Cooks Soul Savers series. Yeah, can’t forget those book boyfriends, yum! Lol--Lisa Bound By Books

Hard Bitten (Chicagoland Vampires, Book 4) Eric Northman (Sookie Stackhouse), Gabe (Personal Demons), and Hank (Charlie Madigan).--Jennifer reading wit tequila

My fave fictional men are Jaime fraiser, Ethan from Chloe Neill, Four from Divergent, Fade from Enclave, Mr. darcy from Pride and Prejudice , V's , Butch, and Z's from the Black Dagger Brotherhood. I also love Peeta from Hunger games. I'm sure that there are some more but these men make me swoon.


  1. Jennifer - I guess we're going to have to share Eric. LOL

  2. I like your book boyfriends! I love Jamie Fraser, Ethan, Mr. Darcy and would have to add Curran from the Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews and Barrons from Shadowfever. As for YA Crushes, I just have one-Tucker from Unearthly by Cynthia Hand.

  3. Good thing you like so many because I'm not sharing Peeta...lol
    I do love Z but he's high maintenance.

  4. Barrons from the Fever Series, Vishous from BDB and Terrible from Stacia Kane Downside Ghosts series. And if I could have a 4th it would be Vlad from the Night Huntress series.


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