Friday, June 17, 2011

Friday Fun --Summer Vacation

previous vacation to Disneyland

-- Been taking long walks with the kids & all being Healthy
--working on reading & workbooks  for all the kids
--working on Weblos
--B really wants to see Green Lantern
--Had Lunch with DH this week and girls got roses and B got Basketball hoop
--Been reading as much as I can
--wrist is doing much better

That's all that's happening here. Whats new with you and what are you reading ???


  1. Oh fun!

    Next week we visit fam. And then when we come back we start loading our moving truck.

  2. Nothing is new with me! Finally. Too much traveling so it's nice to have absolutely nothing planned for a little while.
    Enjoy your summer and your long walks. Sounds fun.


Help me feed the Monkeys--We love comments

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