Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Nightfall Book Review

Nightfall (A Dark Age Dawning Novel)Jenna Barclay is one of the last survivors. She was kidnapped by Mason. He made a promise to her dad many years ago . Jenna believes her dad ( Mitch) to something of a crock with the end of days. Mitch believes himself a visionary.

In the prologue we see what happened to the world. There are changes coming of the people, and also being coming a mob rule society. Mason has a cabin prepared for winter and enough supplies for two of them. Five more people show up at the cabin to escape from the dark age that is coming.

There are many points of views through out the book of that of Mason, Jenna, Chris and Tru. I enjoyed being able to see into their feeling and understand why they do certain things. Jenna and Mason are attracted to each other , but they also have another connection.

Jenna also starts believing more in the magic , and they also realize that animals are adapting and changing. If the animals are adapting then the survivors are also adapting and changing.

Loved the romance of Jenna and Mason. It was gradual and not insta attraction which is great. I loved how this group banded together to survive in this new world. Harvard also made me smile. I can't wait to read his book that is coming out next.

Best Line: I go no where with out you

This book made me think of Stephen Kings -The Stand. I also was picturing REM song Its the end of the world as we know it.

Book Review= B+

Thanks to the authors for the book and this my Honest review


  1. Is this an established series Julie? Could I read it without reading the others if it is?
    I love me some Ann Aguirre!!

  2. Sounds intriguing. Now I have that song going though my head though! :)


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