Friday, June 10, 2011

Schools done

this is on a walk

School is done for us. Kids all did great in school and there was even a promotion for my oldest , who is now in middle school. I'm happy and sad because that means my little girl is growing up.

My daughter M also got some awards during the promotion ceremony.

All My kids did get the prefect attendance this year .

They all got promoted to the next grade and I'm so proud of them.

I do have so reviews to do and write up , but as you can see I have been very busy with year end activities. For that I'm very sorry but such is life. I should be back to regular programming soon.


  1. You have beautiful children. Come visit me if you get a chance. New follower. Like the blog very much.

  2. That's a great picture! It sounds like you've had your hands full. :)

  3. Yay! The kids did great and now you're headed for summer! I bet it will be both fun and stressful :-) XOXO

  4. Aw! Sounds you have some awesome kids! I hope you are all able to enjoy the summer together before things get crazy in the fall!

  5. Yeah! Well done everyone! Hope you have a fun summer....all of you.


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