Friday, July 22, 2011

Crossed Book Review

Crossed (Matched (Hardcover - Trilogy))
comes out 11/1/11
Cassia and Ky are both in different parts of the outer provinces. She has lost her place in society because of her choice to go after Ky.  Ky is burying bodies when we first see him . Ky makes a point to say something about all the bodies he burying with a poem.

Xander comes for a date with Cassia because they are still Matched. He gives her something to help her.
Cassia and Ky both break free from where they are, and both are searching for each other. Cassia is learning more about the Rising, Poem, and Pilot.

There were two points of view of Cassia , and Ky. We are introduced to Vick, Eli, and Indie. This book was just as lyrical with colors , love, and their journeys. There are secrets revealed about the society, and more questions. There is more knowledge about the Rising. This cover was perfect about what happens , and the many changes that Cassia and Ky go through. Their relationship is tested in a different way than I expected, but it was journey for the reader and them. I loved both poems in this book.

Best Line: I hope to see my Pilot face to face when I have crossed the bar

Book review=B

Thanks to the amazing Karen for letting me borrow her book again, and this is my Honest Review


  1. Not what you expected?? Hmm - I'm intrigued. i still have to read Matched. You've read my books before I

  2. Anonymous26 July, 2011

    Ahhhhh I cant wait to read this one. You lucky girl...!!

    Great review

  3. O fantastic review. I can not wait to get my hands on this book.

  4. Great review! I can't wait to get my hands on this one! :)


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