Thursday, July 21, 2011

Supernaturally Book Review

Supernaturally (Paranormalcy)Evie Green is normal as can be playing soccer with the team in PE. She has a locker and life is good until Rachel picks her up from school.

Evie is keeping secrets from Lend. IPCA  wants her back again to help with the cases. Evie also has a new partner --Jack. Evie lives with Vivianne and still works at the diner.

Evie helps some trolls, and sees Unicorns. Lend is still a great boyfriend, who is busy studying in school. Lend comes to Evie rescue many times. This time around Evie finally learns more about her self from Reth.

It was great to see everybody again and also see a new character. I loved Evie was determined to make it to a certain college. She also wants help people and that she was still in love with Lend. Great second book in the series. I can't wait to see what happens next.

Best Chapter Title: Sparkles Make everything Better

Book Review=B

Thanks to Harper Teen for the book and this is honest Review


  1. Yay, I'm glad you liked Supernaturally. I loved Paranormalcy and was worried it wouldn't be as good. Can't wait to read it!

  2. hahah she has a locker, I loved that line! I cracked up at that chapter title too. I did miss the more kick-ass Evie for a chuck of the book though :(

  3. It was cute but it felt like too many things were going on and Lend just came back at the end of everything. I'm still looking forward to book 3 though.

  4. Anonymous21 July, 2011

    Cute review!! Im looking forward to reading the second one...yayayy!!

  5. So happy you enjoyed it - always fun when favorite characters return!

  6. I can not wait until my copy arrives. I need some Evie.

  7. I'm really looking forward to this one! Great review! :)


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