Friday, August 12, 2011

My wrist -Final update

Its been 5 months since the surgery , and I have noticed some things more lately. I can only be in a pool for an hour before it starts to hurt.  I can tell when its getting cold because it does hurt.

Bills for this accident are finally paid off. Happy Dance

But just to let everyone know that we are also getting ready for Back to School for my 4 kids. I am trying to get the last into a Pre-K but she is more than ready for Kinder garden. We find out teachers pretty soon.


  1. At least the wound is pretty much healed and the bills are paid off. Hopefully the sensitivity will decrease over time. :)

  2. Wow! That STILL looks like it hurts. I'm glad it is feeling better and paid off though.

  3. It still looks like it hurts. Have you tried putting mederma on it? I've been using it on Luke's hand to reduce his scar.

  4. @heather it doesn't hurt at all, no haven't put anything on it yet. Need to do that :)

    @karen- its is better


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