Monday, November 7, 2011

My Reading Pile of books til March of Next Year

I also have some books in my kindle of books not listed , and need to read Beautiful Darkness before Beautiful Chaos.

I will be working on Ship breakers pile and then over to Everneath pile.

I also had a book stolen through a book tour. It was my Witch Eyes signed from BEA. I am not too sure if I will be participating with the tour again. Overall I have been happy with sharing my books , but having a book stolen is just wrong.

Right now I am reading Alien Proliferation and that review will be coming soon.


  1. Wow, your reading pile is much smaller then mine is. :)

    Sorry to hear about it being stolen, I was on that book tour and got to read the book (thanks for that, it's a great book). Yeah I probably wouldn't donate anymore either I know I just read books through the site and haven't donated any.

    Can't wait to see what you think of ALIEN PROLIFERATION, I loved it and am excited for the new direction it seems to be going in at the end of the book.:)

  2. Looks like a great reading pile! I just started reading Everneath and so far I'm really liking it!

  3. OMG! Your book was stolen...that is just plain wrong. Whoever is hosting a tour should require shipping tracking info so you would know who has your book. That sucks...I'm sorry! That's actually one I really have been wanting to read.

  4. @mindy there was a DC used and so I know who took it , but there wasn't any response or anything and I know that the tour host tried everything to get the book back but hey that happens.

  5. What a bummer about the missing book! People can be so rude sometimes. I'm glad the tour host took the situation seriously though.

  6. What a pile! they all look like some that are in mine :) but yeah mine is hugemongous *is that a word?*

    so sorry about your book :( That blows and whoever took it well.. Karma ... just sayin.


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