Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Shatter Me Book Review

Juliette has been locked away for 264 and when she  touches people they die. Adam becomes her cell mate and a test for Warner to find out if she really is crazy.

Warner is after Juliette and her powers and wants to use them for evil. He also has an attraction to her. Juliette also learns of some of the changes while she has been locked up with the Reestablishment . Warner is one of the youngest in charge at 19 years old.

Adam is the only who can touch her and not get hurt. Adam is guard in the army and he has been looking for his lost love. Juliette's parents put away since the incident with the boy. There was a hot shower scene with clothes on. I did enjoy meeting Adam's brother while they were hiding out.

This is a dystopian book with super hero's mixed in. I didn't like all the crossed out words mixed in with what she is thinking . I found that to be distracting while reading the story. It was great to see how she edits her self with other around. But luckily it wasn't as much toward the end of the book.

This book didn't wow me, but it was good. I understand the need to touch someone when you haven't been able to for so long . But this was like horny kids at times and another character made mention of a nooner.

I am a fan of XMEN and super hero's but it seemed that everything fit together in a neat bow. I want to understand more of this world.

This is the first book where i was rooting for the bad guy-- Warner. He has issues with his mother and wants to be with Juliette. I wanted to know more about him. He wants to see her dressed up in dresses and have meals with her. This character made me want to finish the story. Seriously , I love the book cover.

Book Review= C

Thanks to Harper teen for the book and this is my Honest Review

This book comes out Nov 15th


  1. Everyone is raving about this book. It's nice to see a different opinion. The crossed out words are an interesting style choice but would get annoying. Probably not a good thing when you root for the enemy.

  2. I found the crossed out words a bit distracting initially as well, but I got used to it after a while and then enjoyed seeing what she was really thinking. I definitely wanted to know more about the world though, we just got little glimpses of it before Juliette was confined to a different space. Hoping we learn more in book 2!

  3. I've been a little afraid to read this one because of all the hype. I'll take the plunge soon.

  4. I'm not too far in, but I completely agree w/you about the crossing out of lines being distracting. Also, the halting narrative is holding mr back. Hopefully I'll be able to get past that.
    Nice review!

  5. I really appreciate your review, we definitely have very similar thoughts about this one!


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