Monday, January 2, 2012

Book Blogger Confessions #1

How has the "job" of book blogging changed your reading habits? Both pro and con.

Yes I have been introduced to many new authors which I grew to love and want to read on with the series. I have found that I look at books more critically , and don't always read the book. I love that I found more book sharing blogging friends, and I tend to go buy their reviews of books and then I might read it. I am more picky but I have found some great new authors thanks to friends. I do schedule my posts now , but I do want to enjoy reading the books.

Con: Book reviews and deadlines, and then sometimes the books for review are so bad that I don't want to finish them. I also have noticed that I more picky about my angel,vampires,  triangles , stand alones, and books I want to read. Also with that Hype with books--do they live up to them or not...can make or break it too. Also with the saying so many books, and so little time. 

I am more picky  with a book with too much hype...and book covers bring me into read the book, but sometimes I get left with a sour taste if the book is bad. 

Just some ramblings about this "job" . I do love finding new authors and books and love having a relationship with publishers. I do and have always loved to read books. I was just a book worm girl. 



  1. I agree about being more critical. I also feel more pressure to read quickly to get to the books I'm reviewing. I'm trying to finish off my list now because I'm ready to start fresh with new titles.

  2. I'm definitely more critical now. Maybe because just the process of reviewing makes me so but also because I read SO much more now and the books/plots tend to run together after awhile.

    Thanks for "confessing" :-)

  3. I am finding a lot of books getting I think WAY too much hype than I think they should have. But the benefit is I'm more picky because I haven't been reading crappy books. ;-)

  4. Yes! We find so many amazing reads through our blogging connections, but we also become very aware of how over-used certin plot devices are. If I never read another angel-YA love triangle, it'll be too soon! :-)

  5. I think the growing pickiness only comes naturally! The more you read, the more you have to compare other books with! I agree with everything you said, I really do! Sometimes with a good-looking book that wasn't a great read I can get over it since it is pretty!

    Deadlines are really just the worst, especially when self imposed.

  6. I agree with you there: the deadlines and the hype are two of the downsides of being a blogger. I've been training myself to accept less and less review copies because having months of your reading booked up in advance just takes the fun out of everything. And then those hyped books...sometimes having such high expectations result in serious disappointment.

  7. Oh what a tangled web that is. I love blogging and I love reading but it is a job sometimes. Going on my third year now, I am just going to relax and not take on too much. I don't care to make my blog any bigger than it is. i'm happy with it and I'm happy with the amount of contacts I've made with the publisher world sooo...time to get back to really enjoying reading again!Less pressure!


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