Thursday, January 19, 2012

Hallowed Book Review

Clara has already saved Tucker from the fire. She wants to make sure of her mission/purpose. Angela, Jeffery, Christian form the Angel club and that means that they talk about it one place. I liked that this reminded me of Fight Club but there are secrets still.

Clara is having visions again and its disturbing for her . She wants to figure out her purpose in life. She is also still in love with Tucker but Christian tries to make a play for her heart.

There are secrets all around her. She gets even more surprises in this book , and some bad news. This book was a good second book, and I enjoyed seeing everyone again. I love how the angel mythology makes sense. I also loved the friendships of Clara and Angela.

Family seems to be important theme along with choices. Clara does have to make some tough choices with her heart and so many secrets. This book didn't feel like there was a triangle at all with her heart. I also felt that she tried to do it all without any help from her friends. I loved this Mythology and her descriptions of a soul .

Best Line : It doesn't matter how much time I've given to think it over.
Best Scene: Skiing with Christian and boys talking about her skiing abilities

Book Review=B

This is still the best Angel story out there and this book is out now

Thanks Harper teen for the book and this is my Honest Review


  1. I'm glad you enjoyed this overall. It's my first 5 star 2012 book!

  2. I agree, this is one of the best angel series out there. Angel books are hugely hit or miss for me, but I absolutely adore this series and can't get enough of Clara and Tucker and Christian. So glad you enjoyed it as well Julie!


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