Saturday, January 21, 2012

IMM-- Surprise

Thanks to Penguin for the book. 
I also think that its was universes way for me to read the book again. I gave the book onto the next person , so I was surprised to see this in my mailbox.
I hope that my friend Karen is having fun at ALAMW12 . I got a peek at her stash and I was drooling over her stash.


  1. Wonderful haul this week! I loved Born Wicked!
    Feel free to check mine out ~
    My IMM:
    Happy Reading~
    A Cupcake and a Latte: Young Adult Reviews!

  2. Haha! How ironic. But nice of them to think of you.
    My IMM

  3. I like the cover on Born Wicked! I hope you enjoy everything. Come check out my IMM!

  4. Replies
    1. Yes I am actually since I won't be in a rush LOL

  5. Yay for second chances! I have to say I'm very intrigued by the concept (and the cover) of Born Wicked, so I'm hoping you'll like it more on the second try!

  6. I'm so excited to read Born Wicked myself, I feel like fortune kinda threw it in your lap there!

  7. Wow, lucky you Julie! I'm DYING to read that one! I'll be interested to see if it works better for you the second time:)


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