Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Innocent Darkness Book Review

Magnolia is a tomboy. She loves to fix cars and hang out with V. She joyrides with V and gets into some serious trouble with the law. She has to go to girls school in San Francisco. V gives her a necklace to always remember him. V is and has been her neighbor, and has always been telling her stories.

This is also in the nineteen hundreds when times were different, and ladies were proper. This is also a steam punk novel with hover boards, and aernots.

Noli is at the girls school. She notices that they seem bland or like robots. All of her things get taken away except her necklace. One of the girl that she meets there is a nymphomaniac . She feels very lonely , and loves to work in the garden.
She is transported to the Other world and meets Kevin the Silver Tongue. She wants to go back to San Francisco or her home, and Kevin has order to kill her for her spark. The necklace from V is able to help her. V wonders about his friend, and tries to find her in his dreams.

Everyone is keeping secrets and don't make deals with the Fae. Noli life changes through out this book, and secrets are revealed. There was a lot  references to sex between some characters, and there is a lot of kissing. Noli is torn between two different men for different reasons.

Best Line: Only her. V liked her. Her. Hoyden , car fixing, trouble making her.

Book Review= C

This book comes out August 8

Thanks to Flux for the book and this is my Honest Review 


  1. I really like steampunk and was hoping to enjoy this one, but it sounds like it might have a little too much going on.

  2. It's always a mixed bag for me when it comes to steampunk. Not sure this is the one for me because I'm also not a fan of the far but that cover is awesome.

  3. It's a shame this has been getting so many mixed reviews--it sounded like such a cool concept! Hope your next read is better, April. :)

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  4. APRIL. I mean Julie! Silly me.


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