Monday, August 6, 2012

Blog Confession -- Making Money

Almost all of us blog as a hobby in our spare time, usually for free but is there anything wrong with making money off your blog? No I don't see a problem with making money off your blog if you have the chance to , but you must be transparent that you are making money off the blog. I did a few blog posts for Collective Bias , and Yes I mentioned that I was paid for it but it was my Honest Review. I haven't done anything with them for sometime because I became more book focused and they seemed more lifestyle blogger. I enjoyed doing those reviews. 

Should bloggers charge for reviews? Well Not on a personal blog , but if you review for a newspaper or TV then yes you should get paid. 

What about advertising on a blog? Interesting enough I got an ad today about asking about posting advertising on the blog. I think it is up to the person to choose if they want to advertise on their blog. 

When a blogger does allow book related advertising does it turn you off? Make you wonder about the honesty of their reviews? Well its a slippery slope, I follow those blogs that do have some it. I think its an eyesore with advertising. I don't choose any of the links. But that's my personal choice . It does make me wonder about the blogger at times with their reviews sometimes. It could be all about the page views for the advertising. 

Do you have a problem with purchase links (Amazon for example) that earn a blogger a small commission if a person purchases a book through that link? No I don't have a problem with it , and I tried it for a while but then Amazon took it away from my state. I didn't even make a thing. 

Thanks Karen and Pam for the questions 

So should I starting advertising on the blog ? Do you want to see it ? Is it an eyesore ? 


  1. I think transparency is the key. I don't mind seeing advertising on a blog as long as it is not blinking and popping in my face as I'm trying to read a review.

  2. I must admit, some ads turn me off. Small stuff is ok but large sidebars full of flashing ads annoy me.

  3. FYI, CA and Amazon worked it out so if you wanted, you could bring those affiliate links back.

  4. I agree with Midnyte Reader--I think disclosing your practices is key. I"m not a huge fan of tons of ads, though, especially when they slow down the site loads.

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  5. Good answers Julie. I hope I don't turn anyone off with my advertising and they understand that it has nothing to do with my content... it would make me sad if people thought it was all about the pageviews. I do watch my pageviews, but I think it's more to find out if people "like" it, instead of fishing. But, it doesn't sway me even if they don't like it -- LOL -- my Wednesday posts are usually hardly ever read, but I continue to do them...if two people read them at least someone is, right? I also look at it, that it does cost me money, monthly to run my blog. I have my domain and hosting to pay for, not to mention shipping when I do host a contest, then accounts with things like, flickr is not a huge monthly bill but it is there. Blog advertising helps to alleviate that costs.


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