Monday, October 15, 2012

Scary Books --Blog Confession

Happy Halloween!  Do you like to read scary books?  Why or why not?  If so, what is the scariest book you ever read and why does it deserve that honor?

yes I do love to read scary books. I am a sucker for Stephan King older books because they are scary. I do love being scared. Hands down ...Stephan King -- The Shining, The Stand, Carrie. 
I also loved reading Horns by Stephen King's son. That to me was scary. 

I also love reading Dean Koontz older books too. They are scary to me. 

Thanks Karen and Pam for this topic 


  1. I like some :) I'm a chicken so they can't be too scary.

  2. Horns did a great job at the creepiness factor...that treehouse scene! And yes, older Koontz...I really loved Eyes of Twilight (I think that is the name).

    Thanks for posting the pics. Your children are BEAUTIFUL!

  3. I've never read Dean Koontz. It takes so much to scare me these days that I don't read too many books like that anymore.

  4. Maybe it's perhaps you know it isn't real right? some people like to be scared ... I will never understand :(

    I prefer my adrenaline rush in a thrilling ride or rollercoaster, that said, fast paced and full of action and an interesting enough story to keep my attention? <-----pssh whatever that is :p

  5. I tried to read one Dean Koontz book and it terrified me so thoroughly I couldn't finish it. Far too realistic for me.

  6. HOW CUTE! ♥

    My mom LOVES Koonntz. I've never read him. King's older books are the best!


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