Friday, October 12, 2012

The Hallowed Ones Book Review

Katie is a plain girl . She is due for her Rumspringa. She is best friends with Elijah. He would like to marry her in the future. She just wants to explore the world and drink some coke, and read some wonder woman.

The world is turmoil and there are now vampires now out. She saves Alex from death, and finds the hexerbuger interesting. Her world in plunged into darkness, and she starts questioning more things. There is an evil that is taking over this world.

I kept hearing that this book was awesome, so I finally caved in and and I loved this take with vampires. It was interesting and bought up so many topics about faith, religion, relationships.

This book was a breathe of fresh air.

Best Line: If he's looking for a mouse..., I'm sure there are plenty of them about. But you are not a mouse.You're intelligent, brave as hell , and your cute.

Be careful Bonnet

Book Review= B

I bought this book and this my Honest Review


  1. I haven't heard too much about this one, but I'm always on the lookout for a new vampire story, so this is going on the list. Thanks Julie!

  2. Oh how I loved this one!!!!

    I'm so glad that you agree :-)

  3. I haven't heard of this one before. I do love a good vampire book.

  4. Love this phrase: "I bought this book and this is my honest review." Nice.

  5. I'm so glad you read and enjoyed it!!


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