Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Doomed Book Review

Pandora is 16 going on 17. Her mom is away working for an oil company, so she is without adult supervision. Her dad is long gone. She goes to school , and know that the two brothers are new to the school Eli & Alex. She is attracted to both of them . She gets an email from her dad and downloads all the pictures. She also like to play the Pandora's Box which is an online MRP game.
She starts the game on her birthday and world slowly goes into chaos. She goes to her neighbors house and finds the two brothers who can help her out. They are also playing the game too. She has to solve the game with the puzzles from her dad, and save the world in 10 days.

There was a triangle but there wasn't . She is attracted to both brothers for different reasons. One is fun , and the other is smart. This was like the Matrix and also reminded me of a SIM game. There were twists and turns through out the book. This seemed to be a mash up of many ideas , and even talking about society, gas, money , and solar. I wanted to love this book but I didn't. There were so many ideas that its seemed to lose its focus. I also found it to be preachy too about topics.

Book Review= C

Thanks to Bloomsbury for the book and this my Honest review


  1. I appreciate that you gave this book an honest review. I had seen a review in a journal and had it on a "maybe" list for my library. :)

  2. All I can think about this book is what kind of crazy parent would name their child Pandora? :-) It's such a loaded name.

    1. Your right the name is loaded for trouble LOL.

  3. What is up with authors making a love triangle with brothers??? LOL great review. I haven't heard of this one before.

  4. Hmm, doesn't sound too promising.

  5. I JUST finished it, honestly I had to push myself through it. I need to write a review, but I hate to write a really negative review.


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