Thursday, February 28, 2013

Warm Bodies Movie Review

 I admit that I haven't read this book , but I always heard such good things about this book.

R is a zombie , and only grunts. He sees Julie and totally becomes attracted to her, and wants to keep her safe. He also listens to music where he lives at the airport. He has a really good friend in which they hunt together. R and his other zombie friends were out hunting when they found Julie and her friends. This is R tale  , and there are some changes that happen with the other zombies when they connect.

My DH was okay with this movie, but I enjoyed the romance and could see the parallel between Romeo and Juliet. Very cute movie , and I think my kids would like it. I loved John Malkovich in this movie.

Movie Review= B


  1. I haven't read the book either but I'm hoping to see the movie Tuesday. I think I'm tang my dad too. i wonder what he'll think about a zombie love story lol

  2. I thought this was really cute, too--different from the book, but in a way that made sense. I loved the book, btw.

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden


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