Friday, April 26, 2013

BEA Wishlist 2013

Also Altered by Gennifer Albin 
Never Fade by Alexandra Bracken 

My wishlist of books has slowly gone down , and trying to stay with series are hard. These one have kept my interest so far.


  1. Great list. I hadn't thought of Just One Year being an ARC. I really hope so. And definitely Maggie and Victoria's books.

  2. Nice. I definitely want Maggie's, Victoria's book, hoping that they will have Rebel Spring at BEA.

  3. I still have to read Archived and I can't wait for The Dream Thieves. I'm going to look up Count Down.


Help me feed the Monkeys--We love comments

We are an award free zone. Thanks so much for all the previous awards, but I can't continue passing them on at this time. Thanks