Friday, June 7, 2013

Famous Last Words

Sam is a the obit  reporter and also an intern at the paper. AJ is also interning too at the paper. She decides that this will be the summer of things will happen. She is also friends with Shelby , who is trying to get her our of her shell. Both parents are in the book , along with a Grandma too. This is also the summer that she is going for her drivers licence.
Sam loves her job , and she wants to become a better writer. Coma boy is interested in her along with someone else. She also wants to help someone with their news beat.

Cute Romance and I admit that I did want to do this when I was much younger. I guess I am doing this now with the book reviews , and I do have my blog linked up with my local TV station & Newspaper.

Book Review= B

Thanks to Macmillan for the book and this is my Honest Review

This book comes out July 2


  1. Coma boy?? lol

    Sounds cute.

  2. haha When I saw that "famous last words" I thought it was your post saying goodbye for good! scared me!


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