Saturday, November 16, 2013

The whole golden World

The whole Golden World
William Morrow
For review
stand alone
Nov 5

This is a story of 3 ladies and what happens when teacher student relationship is taken to the next level. Morgan is the student who is going through a rough time , and starts talking with her teacher.
Dinah is the mother of Morgan , and her husband is the vice principal at the school . Things aren't going well in the family . Rain is the wife of TJ Hill, and the teacher.

This book was very interesting and I wanted to read all the point of views to get the picture of what really happened. It wasn't so much dealing with the court case but the family and the town's reaction. This book also gave me really good into TJ , and his relationship with his wife.

Book Review= B

Thanks so much to William Morrow and this is my Honest Review

1 comment:

  1. I heard this was very good, but you just gave it a B, so hmmm.


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