Wednesday, May 7, 2014

After the End

After the End
Harper teen
1st in a series
for review
May 6

Juneau  lives with nature , and with her clan in Alaska. She believes that there has been a WWWIII . She goes off to find food , and when she comes back , the clan is gone. She also has some abilities , and she can be one with nature.

Miles finds some emails from his dad, and tries to find her. He wants to get back into his father good graces.

Juneau has used an oracle , and knows to be on the lookout for Miles. He finds her, and he has many questions for her. She knows that she is to travel with him. They slowly get to know one another, and there is slight attraction to each other.  Many secrets come to light, and many of them are having Juneau question her beliefs and her clan. Miles and Juneau do have a major disagreement.

This is my first time reading this author. I enjoyed the different point of views. I loved that they both grew and changed during the book. Juneau had the most changes and let downs . I didn't like the cliffhanger , but it ended at a good spot. Miles and his observations were spot on about her world. Juneau world was more cultish with their lack of information. Overall I enjoyed this world, and the characters. I want to see what happens with in the next book.

OMG Read this book

Book Review= B+

Thanks so much to harper Teen and this is my Honest Review

1 comment:

  1. I really must try a dystopian book one of these days, and this one sounds interesting... I'll put it in the maybe pile. Thanks for the review!


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