Thursday, May 29, 2014

Armchair BEA-- Why I read Young adult

Our final genre of discussion is one that we know is a popular one these days: books for the younger crowd, from middle grade to young adult. If you do not normally talk about this genre on your site, maybe you want to feature books that you remember impacting you during this stage in your life. If this is where you tend to gravitate, maybe you want to list your favorites, make recommendations based on genres, or feature some titles that you are excited to read coming later this year. 

I got into reading young adult because of Twilight. I also had girls and I hadn't read YA for some time. I wanted to know what now in the books because what I had was so different from what is now . I have found new authors, and there have been some amazing books. I do like to switch up between YA and adult books . Some of the books that I read and loved are : The winner's curse, we were liars, Say what you will , Forbidden, and many more. 

These are some of the books that I adore and have made my love of Young adult grow even more. Written in Red, and Easy are the only adult books that I love so much. 


  1. Those Marissa Mayer books seem to be popping up everywhere!

  2. Great post, I love Written In Red, Where the Stars still Shine, and pretty much anything by Katie McGarry too. :)

  3. I still haven't read anything by Gayle Forman, but I loved the Lunar Chronicles!

  4. So, I loved all your books too. Except for two that I haven't read yet, but am definitely adding. You clearly have good judgement ;)

  5. Anonymous30 May, 2014

    Grave Mercy is one of my all time favourite reads. Book two was pretty darn good, too. Now I wait for book three...November seems a loooong way off. Thanks for sharing with us!

  6. YA is a genre I will definitely always love as well!


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