Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Local Author Series # 3 -- Heidi R. Kling

What kind of books do you read for fun ??

YA and grown-up books. Sometimes literary, sometimes fluff.

How did you get into writing ??

I've written since I was a little girl, started with songs. :)

What inspired you do a book ??

To write a novel? I've been writing novels since I was a teen.

Do you have another job besides writing ??
Yes. I'm a mom.

Chocolate or Vanilla ??


Ereader or Book ??
Real books.

Barnes Noble or Indie book store ??

Best experience with a fan ??

At BEA a blogger yelled, "There's Heidi R. Kling" and a group of girls swarmed me and asked for my autograph. It was very surreal. And awesome.

Was it hard to get into the publishing world ??

YES. And no.

Whats on your night stand ??

My stuffed Dumbo, Ellie, an empty water bottle. My baby's binkie. Books.

Favorite color ??
Blue. And sunset.

What do watch on TV ??
Teen TV w/ crossover potential: Vampire Diaries, Gossip Girl, Life Unexpected, FNL...

Writing and kids ? How do you do it
Every day is a new challenge.

What are you working on right now ??
Book two is my paranormal romances about estranged witches and warlocks. We call them #sexahmagicbooks on Twitter.

SeaBloggers and books ?? Do they help with book buzz ??
YES. I adore the bloggers!

Music playlists ?? whats on yours ??
Lots of dark, emo stuff.

Does being in California or Northern California affect the story ??
It does. I tend to set at least part of my stories in a Nor Cal beach town like Santa Cruz or Half Moon Bay. Places I keep trying to get back to in real life.

Thanks for having me!Thanks so much for being here Heidi. I enjoyed your book Sea , and I will never look at a orange soda again. Thanks to your beaautiful story telling with Spider and Sienna.
Stay tuned for the next interview


  1. Wonderful interview! I always love hearing how authors get ideas for where their books are set.

  2. Fun interview!!! Ill have to check this book out soon..:)

  3. Fun interview! How cool to feel like a rock star at BEA!


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