Monday, March 3, 2014

The Winner's Curse

The Winner's Curse
Net Galley
Farrar, Straus and Giroux 
for review
1st in a series
march 4

Kestrel loves to play and win at Bite and Sting. She is best friends with Jess and Ronan.  Ronan is attracted to her. She is the daughter of the General and a Valorian.

She is shopping with Jess in the market place. She bids the highest amount and buys a slave. Smith is not what he seems to be. By the winter's end , Kestrel needs to make up her mind about marriage or joining the military.

Kestrel starts to spend time with Smith/Arin . He is of a different race, and he is Halleni.  She can't seem to figure him out. They are both studying each other, and they both like to play Bite and Sting. There is an attraction, but he is her slave.

Things change on for both of them on the Midwinter's Ball. Many secrets come to light that night.

This book had action, romance, and secrets. This book was amazing, and I didn't know what to expect. I found the characters lovely, and this book made me thing of Leverage ( The long con) . I loved the wit and interaction between Kestrel and Arin. I loved that Kestrel is smart , sassy girl. I can't wait too see what happens next in the story. That last line was a ending and I have so many feelings about this book. I finished it last night and still thinking about. This is one book I will reread again.

Book Review = A

Thanks so much to Macmillan and this is my Honest Review


  1. The character really were so lovely! I'm so glad you adored it, Julie. I will definitely reread this one, too. <3

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  2. This is my favorite book of 2014 so far.

    It was simply gorgeous on every level.


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