Monday, October 12, 2009

Covet-- BWB Review Questions

Q#1 - Did you relate to Jim at all? Did you feel like he was a good choice or worthy of this mission? No not really. I think he was going to work through his problems and will end up worthy to be on the mission assigned to him.

Q#2 - How do you feel about the tone of the book? Did you think that there was too much slang/not enough/just enough? How did you feel about the word choice in the book- did it add to your reading of the story or take away from it? It was an okay tone overall, but the language did take away from it and was just enough slang.

Q#3 - When the "fantasy" of the book is based on a belief system that is regarded as truth by some religions (the angels & demons) does it help you relate better with the story, as opposed to a story about vampires and werewolves? It didn't matter to me whether this was an Angel/vampire book. It depends on whether I can relate to the characters or get into the story.

Q#4 - In the opening of this book we read about a football game analogy of Demons verses Angels, even though this is fiction what do think of Demons in this case Jim the Fallen Angel being portrayed as a "Good Guy"? I got the point of the football game analogy, but with all the different characters or name changes , it was tough to know who was good or bad.

Q#5 - How do you feel knowing this will be a 7 book series featuring Jim and he might win all of the battles? My first thought in knowing that was How many times will Jim die ? Will he even make it and what about the others helping him?? I don't think he going to win all of the battles, but I do think he will have victory and somewhere along the way find love.

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