Saturday, November 7, 2009

Giveaway+ Followers = My Favorite Things

I have reached over 50 Followers, so I'm going to Give some of my Favorite things which are Books, Twilight, Gerard Butler, kids, food, and etc.

-- Books --some of my favorite
-- Candy
--Surprise Stuff too --have some GC's to some amazing places

So tell me what are some of your Favorite things???
--This contest goes until 11/14
+1 already a follower

Be sure to tell your friends about this contest too.


  1. My favorite things: my family, books, family movies, friends, church, easy and fast cooking; the ocean, hopefully soon exercising

  2. oh yeah and your website!!!!

  3. I like Gerard Butler. I'll take him in a giveaway!

    My fav things: my family, my little one calling me mama, wine, chocolate, my pjs, my "smooshy" pillow and sushi.

  4. I guess one of my favorite things are my or any books. I carry them in my purse where ever I go, you never know when you will have the time to read them.

    Books and my tea. I can't forget my tea. I have been drinking all sorts of different flavored teas lately.

    Congrats on your 50 followers!!!

  5. That's funny... I thought I was a "follower" because you're in my google-reader! But guess not, so I quickly signed up! ;-)

    Some of my favorite things are: scented candles (cranberry, apple pomegranate...), chocolate ice-cream, snuggles with my family, BOOKS, piano, flowers, love-notes.

  6. Hmm...what are my favorite things? I'm not sure. I guess you named quite a few of those.

    In addition to your list, I am also a pretty big fan of chocolate. :)

  7. Please enter me for Gerald Butler!!!.....:D
    No but please enter me for this fun giveaway, Im a follower

  8. I fav things, reading books, dove choc, diet coke and movies.

  9. My favorite things are: chocolate, cherry dr. pepper, flowers, my family, my mom, my comforter, flannel jammies, books, movies, and my crockpot.:) Not all in that order.

  10. Some of my Favorite things are Chocolate, Coca~Cola, Spending time w/Family and Friends, Christmas, The Fall Season, Classic DVD's, CA Sunshine, Books, Kitchen Fairies, Our Pets, Blogging, Everything Country.....

  11. Some of my favorite things are my kids, books, and Reeses mini peanut butter cups.

  12. Congratulations for reaching 50 followers Julie :)
    Enter me: My favorite things are: my child, iPhone, Twitter, BOOKS!!!, music and movies

  13. My favourite things are my husband and my children.

    It is such a cliche but true.

    When I was young of all the things I imagined for my future I know saw myself as happily married.
    And now I'm married to the love of my life. Even after 17 years, my jaw drops at the thought of it and I wonder if it is just a dream.

    And my children are such a joy and a wonderful addition to our lives.
    To be honest I never really liked children. Even as a child I preferred adults and although I was resigned to the fact I would have them one day I wasn't enthusiastic.
    Now I can't believe two such fabulous human beings came from my body.

  14. My favorite things would have to be weekends, holiday, family, friends, curling up on the couch with a great book, someone else cooking and relaxing and watching a great chick flick

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We are an award free zone. Thanks so much for all the previous awards, but I can't continue passing them on at this time. Thanks