Thursday, November 12, 2009

Love you to Death-- Book Review

It's been days since reporter Elise McBride has heard from her sister, Ashley. She's convinced Ashley has met with some kind of foul play, especially when she learns that bodies of other missing women have surfaced in and around Chicago--all victims of a brutal serial killer. Convinced her sister is still alive, Elise vows to risk everything to save her... The last thing ex-cop Trent Brady needs is more blood on his hands. Yet when he catches Elise breaking into her sister's house, full of reckless determination and fear, he knows she needs his help. But just as desire ignites between them, a twisted madman sets his sights on Elise. Hell-bent on possessing her for himself, this psychopath won't rest until he has his perfect woman.(
This was actually a decent romance book. There was just enough action and romance.
In this book the reader to get a glimpse into the mind of the killer. He has some serious issues. This book also centered around family and those issues there. There was alot of family interaction through out the story. This is a romantic suspense novel and this was one of the better ones I have read.
Trent-- ex cop , neighbor to Ashley
Elise-- sister to Ashley, reporter,
Ashley- victim, sister to Elise
Sam-- brother to Trent, owns his own grass cutting business
This book is already out in Paperback and $6.99.
Book Review=3
Thanks to Grand Central for the book and this is my HONEST review.


Help me feed the Monkeys--We love comments

We are an award free zone. Thanks so much for all the previous awards, but I can't continue passing them on at this time. Thanks