Friday, December 18, 2009

Some Girls Bite -- BWB Review

I loved the Cover of this book.

Merit is a college Graduate student living in Chicago with her room mate Mallory. She is bitten , and not by her consent. Ethan than saves her from the dying and turns her into a Vampire.

Merit is telling her story of being turned and the changes that happen. Merit is of wealthy parents in the Chicago area.

Merit is of the Cadagon House and Ethan Sullivan is the Head Vampire. Merit has had some interesting experiences since becoming a vampire. She challenged Ethan on her 3rd day of being a Vampire. Merit has good Control on her mind.She is very Independent and strong.

Her Grandfather is the Ombod for the city. He works with a Shape shifter, sorcerer.

In one night she had drank blood, kissed Ethan, rejected Ethan.

Mallory her roommate is a witch and has a relationship with Catcher( sorcerer). Merit has meet Morgan of another house and they seemed to have hit it off.

This book has Harry Potter references, Lord of the Rings , Star Wars and more and for a Geek like me, I enjoy them.

Merit joins her house and gets a job as Sentinel which is the Brand of the House. Merit is attracted to Ethan , but there is fine line since he her boss. There is sexual tension between them, and you want them to do it but there are times, not having them do it would ruin the story.

My favorite scene was them eating Hot Dogs with Mallory/Catcher/ Ethan/ Merit.

There is a prophesy and it could be about Merit or not. I don't trust Catcher when he mentioned that it wasn't about her.

I do like Morgan.. He is normal as vampire can be.

I did like that she asked Ethan about Bears ?? she was refering to football and he was thinking the bears that hibernate.

Overall this is good story about becoming a Vampire and honor for the you and the house you are in. Can't wait to read the rest of the series to see what happens.

If this was a movie:
Merit = Natalie Portman
Ethan= Philip Winchester
Mallory= Alyson Hannigan
Catcher= Marc Blucas
Morgan= Gerard Butler

Discussion Questions : Do you think Merit is above the simplistic ideology or is she the typical character : shuns away from the idea of being better than others but loves her status , in both the vampire and human worlds ? I think she was denying her wealth, and family for good reason. Once she became a Vampire, she was trying to find her place in that world. From moving from being a student to a vampire and a lot happened to her with in a couple days and with her family name, it must have been tough. Merit is also trying to remain an Indiviual , and becoming part of house and dressing the same, speaks volumes.

What motivated Amber ? Her cattiness seemed shallow but it only could be her acting the way she did ?? Power, Sex motivated Amber because being Ethan consort would only get her so far. I think she was better at hiding her ambitions from everyone in the house.

Do you see House of her own in Merit's Future ?? I do think the prophecy was about her and I also see her working for her Grandfather in some respect.

Which vamp are you hoping Merit ends up with ?? I 'm hoping Morgan ,to give Ethan something to fight for because working with the boss would be tough for her.

Book Review=4

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