Thursday, May 13, 2010

100 Words about Me

I Julie, having been born of goodly parents is the oldest of 5 kids and now raising 5 kids. She called off 2 other engagements before finally meeting the love of her life. She did go to college for the basic education, but couldn’t decide what to be—since children she knows what she wants to do.

She can be found reading any type of book, and helping out at her children’s school. She knows the school district and can be found complaining if necessary. She loves her kids and her almost what she pictured. Live Love laugh .

This is what my book jacket would say about my life. Oh there are exactly 100 words up there and its my life.


  1. Aww I love that! Great job.

  2. Sounds great to me. If you like vampires, I would suggest Tanya Huff and Nancy Baker's A Terrible Beauty.

    Stopping by from SITS.


  3. I always get a little chuckle when I see your blog image and your 5 little monkeys.

    Stopping by from Mama Kat's.

  4. Anonymous13 May, 2010

    Sounds like a wonderful life - so full of love.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog - yours is adorable. I love your little monkey header :)

  5. I'm also a huge reader, and I'm very impressed that you got 100 words exactly!! I'm the oldest of 5as well.

    Swinging by from Mama Kat's to say hello!

  6. You are such a goody goody counting your words!!!! : )

    And I don't know what I want to be yet ... I change every few years!

  7. You sound like my kind of mama :)

    Great 100 words!


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