Friday, January 21, 2011

Friday Fun

I want to say that I finally finished this series and there were twists and turns. I loved Barrons and Mac. I was sad when I closed the book and was done with it. There are way too many good lines though out the book. There are questions answered but more questions.

Figured out where to send my kids for school. A different school in the district but I can't do anything til Feb 1st.

Got the Demon trappers daughter to read/review through Karen's book tour. Thank you.

Weekend plans : not much happening

Planning something for our anniversary coming up in Febuary. No clue but it will be fun ...and I can't believe how much time has flown since being married to my sweet husband.


  1. awww- I love sweet husbands..:D

    Ive heard so many great things about Karens series....Ive got the itch to read it big time...!!!!

  2. BARRONS!!!! I'm so sad this series is at an end, but it sounds like we'll be getting a spinoff and that is okay with me:) I adored this book and I was kind of glad she left us with some questions, it would have felt odd if everything was wrapped up in a pretty bow for us!


Help me feed the Monkeys--We love comments

We are an award free zone. Thanks so much for all the previous awards, but I can't continue passing them on at this time. Thanks