Wednesday, January 19, 2011

1000th Post

I have been blogging for 4 years and now have posted my 1000th post. Thinking I should something to celebrate this momument task since I have had so say so many things...

A Top Ten Lists
Book reviews
sharing pictures/books that I have been reading
making such great online friends
Twitter freinds
Going to a Conference last year and meeting some awesome ladies
Family/Online Friends

Seeing my kids grow and change over time through the blog , and all the memories.Thank you all for being apart of this amazing journey.


  1. Wow! 1000 post! Very nice. I guess i didn't realize you have been blogging that long. It's been so nice to read you for the time I have. Keep up the good work.
    Oh and I love your new additions to the lovely men on your sidebars. Tim O. ooh la la!

  2. 1,000 posts!!!!! Woot Woot! You have had lots to say! Keep the posts coming :-).

  3. WOW! 1000 posts that is an accomplishment... your kiddos are precious :)

  4. Wow! Congratulations! I hope I make to 1000 posts some day.

  5. Congratulations!!
    One of these days, you're going to have to explain how you manage to read all those books, post regularly, and take care of your beautiful family!

  6. Congratulations! I can't even imagine 1000 posts. You do such a wonderful job blogging. Best wishes for the next 1000! :)

  7. That's a really overwhelming number, congratulations. I hope you enjoyed your first four years and enjoy the next four!

    Jennifer (An Abundance of Books)

  8. Woo-Hoo!! Congratulations & here's to 4 more!!

  9. Congratulations. I have a long way to go. I just did my 100th.

  10. Congrats girl! You certainly have accomplished a lot!

    Your kids are adorable! Thanks for sharing the pic's! :)


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