Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Get to Know Book Bloggers #2.9 --Authors as Friends

Have you become good friends with any authors online , and does it affect how you read their book ???

Yes I have made friends with a bunch of them!  It doesn't affect my opinions on their books at all!  I always try to give an honest opinion of a book.  They know that and they actually told me they admire me for being that way.  They would rather have honest opinions instead of a glowing review that was not earned.--Amy Stuffed Bookshelf

 Ive made a couple connections and chat with one in particular, I think it just makes me more sensitive to what Im saying if I review their book.--Tinas Book Reviews

No good friends yet. I have been in correspondence with authors who have appreciated my reviews and that makes me feel good but it's been after the fact.--Michelle Redheaded book

There are a few authors that I chat with online. Luckily, I have enjoyed their books and feel comfortable chatting with them. I don't friend an author unless I've read their books or I'm really interested in reading their books. In the case of the latter, I'm usually checking out what they have to say and how their treat their readers.--The Book Vixen

Since I started blogging, I've talked with quite a few authors through e-mail and on Twitter. The first thing I noticed was that, if the author's a total sweetheart, it makes me WANT to like his or her book and give it a good review. However, I have also had it happen where I loved the author as a person, but I wasn't a big fan of his or her work. In this case, I make sure I'm honest with my thoughts, but I also try to pass along my copy of the book to someone who I think might like it. That way, I'm keeping my integrity as a book reviewer, but I'm also spreading the word about the book. --Natalie Mindful Musing

There are authors that I talk to on a regular basis on Twitter, but none that I would consider "friends".  I used to talk to them more before I realized the reading-their-book-dilema.  I found that if I had gotten to know them, I had an imposible time writing a negative review.  It's so hard to write something, knowing that their feelings will be hurt, and that they know who you are!! So, now, I try to only talk to authors whose books I've already read and loved. --Andye Reading Teen

No. There are a lot of authors that I'm totally BFFs with in my head, but usually when I correspond with authors it's for a specific purpose and I tend to keep everything more business-like. --Jennifer Reading with Tequila

Not super friends or anything, there will be authors I'll tweet back and forth to I don't think it affects how I read the book because I'm always going to have my own opinion no matter what I read.--Rebecca Biblignome

 I have become friends with a few authors online. It doesn't affect how I read their book, but it does really depress me when I don't love it. I have to be honest with my review either way so sometimes that's rough but that hasn't really happened too much to me yet--Karen FWIW

I've become "online friends" with some authors, but nothing that would constitute an "In Real Life" type of friendship.  However, I do have authors that I tweet with send me books to review. If I ever read one that I just don't find favorable, I will probably give the author option of me just not running the review. But I wouldn't make the review better just to please an author.--Jen Twimom

I think I’ve become somewhat of friends with one – Stacey Kade and am getting to know others. I’m kind of shy and quiet and am trying hard to come out of my shell. I usually don’t know what to say or feel like an idiot, but again I’m trying to not think that way and just interact and step from out from behind where ever I may be lurking. Lurking and I usually go hand in hand.--Lisa Bound By Books

I can't think of any examples of this situation, but I have had a fair number of authors comment on my reviews of their books and it's a good reminder that a wide variety of people read what you write in your blog--Emily what book is that

Kelli: I have with a couple and it does make me more apt to like their work when I know I like them as a person.
Natalie: I don't know about good friends but I have chatted with a few and it doesn't affect me when I read their work.--So Rather Reading

I love to follow authors on twitter , but I gotten to become friends with them. Thats as far as it has gotten. But with my local author series I'm reading the books of all my authors and reviewing them. I would love to met up with them especially Allison Brennan because she also has 5 kids, so I get some great advice but then it would ruin the reader/reviewer thing. So if there is book signing in my town, I will so be there to meet all of my local authors.

Stay tuned for the next question

1 comment:

  1. I haven't personally known any authors, but it would be difficult to be honest. I find that my best friend and I are quite often polar opposites on the books we really like. Great post!


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